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IJSODIT - Call for papers 2012

The International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology (IJSODIT) calls for papers for its 2012 issues.

The mission of this journal relates to social issues in information technology. Social issues are those research topics most aligned with the human factor in terms of information systems planning, development and utilization. This journal includes all aspects of social issues that are impacted by information technology affecting organizations and interorganizational structures. This includes the conceptualization of specific social issues and their associated constructs, proposed designs and infrastructures, empirical validation of social models, and case studies illustrating socialization success and failures. Some key topics may include:

  1. Ethics
  2. Culture
  3. Relationships
  4. Human interaction
  5. Security
  6. Design
  7. Building relationships
  8. Diversity in the IT workforce

This journal follows a full blind peer review process.

More details about the call for papers.

Written on Sep 29 2011 | Tags: #research, #ijsodit
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